...By working SMARTER!
Get stronger, get out of pain, improve your posture, flexibility and movement by
re-training your Muscle Memory.
My definition of the core is different from the traditional view. I believe that it extends from your shoulder blade muscles (the serratus anterior) down to the back of your thighs (your hamstrings) with the diaphragm (your breathing muscle) being at the center. If you aren't breathing correctly (due to stress, poor posture, alignment issues) you cannot have true core strength.
I want you to be invincible! Uncrushable!
There are 2 reasons why treating your body parts in isolation doesn't work :
1. We were designed like a machine:
lots of moving pieces that all need to work together. A problem in one place can impact regions up or down the chain of bones and muscles that comprise our body
2. Pain lies!!
When I broke my back, I thought it was kidney stones. Where your pain is may not be where the problem is.
The top half represents your ribcage and the bottom is your pelvis.
If one cog gets bent out of alignment, it can jam up the whole system!
The full program consists of 29 whole body muscle memory training exercises that make your muscles SMART: which means STRONG and RELAXED.
The Breathing Course is the foundation then Level 1 and Level 2 cover the key muscles needed for efficient and pain free movement.
Each exercise section includes:
Topics covered in the Application sections include sitting and standing posture, squatting, walking and running, lifting, working in the yard or in the gym. You will understand how to move with power, ease and safety. Walking is the BEST way to integrate what you learn and it's a sustainable exercise that helps you heal injuries and prevent future pains.
To get access to the advanced Level 2 courses, you'll need to work through Level 1 first.
You can get Level 1 separately to start your healing journey, or get the Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle deal.
Purchase Level 1 Access Alone - $175Purchase Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle - $300You can get access to Level 1 separately to start your healing journey, or get the Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle deal.
Purchase Level 1 Access Alone - $175Purchase Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle - $300For a limited time, order the full course package including Level 1 and Level 2 for $300
The Kelly Martin Method was born 2 years ago when a patient told me about "Pandiculation1" exercises. I immediately saw huge value in the technique as a missing piece in both my personal rehab and my clinical care and am now the only PT on the West Coast that is a Level III certified Somatic Movement Exercise Instructor.
Before I started the Somatic Movement Center® exercises, I would limp often due to damaged cartilage in my left hip. I was waking up almost every night with hamstring spasms and my knee mechanically locked from a medial meniscus tear in my left knee. Now, I can work out intensely and am pain-free 95% of the time, without surgery, because my muscles have learned how to be SMART.
If I can do it and my patients are learning to conquer their pain and limitations, YOU CAN TOO!
My mission is to offer advanced knowledge and effective tools so people can heal themselves.
1 If you would like to learn more about the science behind these exercises, I recommend my teacher's book: https://somaticmovementcenter.com/somatics-book-pain-relief-secret/