1. Rest completely before you start a movement and then in between repetitions.
  2. Keep your eyes closed.
  3. Keep breathing normally the whole time.
  4. When you are working a muscle on the one side of your body, keep the other side of your body relaxed.
  5. Keep your neck supported and relaxed.
  6. When in doubt, GO SLOWER.
  7. You can count the time for your slow, shortening contraction and your super-slow, lengthening contraction at first, but gradually stop the counting and just pay attention.
  8. Try to do the more coordinated side first so that it can “coach” your less coordinated side how to perform the movement slowly and smoothly.
  9. Doing 1-3 reps well is much better than rushing through 5 or more.
  10. Go into an exercise with "Beginner's  Mind" every time. Pretend that you've never done it before so that it doesn't become a routine. If you stop paying attention and go through the motions, you won't get the benefit.

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You can get access to Level 1 separately to start your healing journey, or get the Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle deal.

Purchase Level 1 Access Alone - $175Purchase Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle - $300

To get access to the advanced Level 2 courses, you'll need to work through Level 1 first.

You can get access to Level 1 separately to start your healing journey, or get the Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle deal.

Purchase Level 1 Access Alone - $175Purchase Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle - $300

8. "Breathe and Twist"

Release the muscles between your ribs as they work with your Obliques. Then your ribs can rotate which will protect your knees, neck and back.

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"Breathe and Twist"

Position:  Sit on a firm surface so you can feel your sitting bones with your knees and hips bent to 90 degrees. Bring your knees together. Cross your arms over your chest and relax your lower back.

Keep your gaze focused on something in front of you so your head stays facing forward, and your neck stays still. Keep these movements very small.

Inhale twist a little then exhale and twist a smidge more. Picture your torso as a cylinder and inhale twist a bit then exhale and twist a tiny bit more. Keep your back relaxed. Breathe in and turn a tiny bit then breathe out and turn a smidge more. Then release the twist in slow motion. Rest then repeat in the other direction, changing which arm is on top.  



You can take as many breaths as you’d like as long as you aren’t straining

Do 2 or 3 rounds on each side, moving in small increments.


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Very small, very gentle twisting when done in synch with your breath improves walking, running and stress. Keep your head still!

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