1. Rest completely before you start a movement and then in between repetitions.
  2. Keep your eyes closed.
  3. Keep breathing normally the whole time.
  4. When you are working a muscle on the one side of your body, keep the other side of your body relaxed.
  5. Keep your neck supported and relaxed.
  6. When in doubt, GO SLOWER.
  7. You can count the time for your slow, shortening contraction and your super-slow, lengthening contraction at first, but gradually stop the counting and just pay attention.
  8. Try to do the more coordinated side first so that it can “coach” your less coordinated side how to perform the movement slowly and smoothly.
  9. Doing 1-3 reps well is much better than rushing through 5 or more.
  10. Go into an exercise with "Beginner's  Mind" every time. Pretend that you've never done it before so that it doesn't become a routine. If you stop paying attention and go through the motions, you won't get the benefit.

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You can get access to Level 1 separately to start your healing journey, or get the Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle deal.

Purchase Level 1 Access Alone - $175Purchase Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle - $300

To get access to the advanced Level 2 courses, you'll need to work through Level 1 first.

You can get access to Level 1 separately to start your healing journey, or get the Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle deal.

Purchase Level 1 Access Alone - $175Purchase Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle - $300

14. "Wring Out Your Tension"

This exercise is a culmination of everything we’ve done so far. It simulates what your body does when you walk.  And it’s a great stress reliever!

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Wring out your Tension.”

Start with the Rolling Pin then

Gently continue with this twisting movement, now add a lazy rolling of your head. As one of your arms rolls downward and the shoulder comes off the floor, it encourages your head to roll away. Gently and slowly change directions, noticing that when one arm rolls down, that shoulder will “nudge” your head off in the opposite direction. Make this a natural motion, don’t force it. If you ever feel like your back is arching off the floor, gently contract your abdominals to press your back flat into the floor.


Next, bring your knees and feet together so they touch. Now your knees will rock in the opposite direction of your head turn.

Roll your right arm down toward your feet and your left arm up toward your head; let your head roll to the left, lower your knees down to the right side. Feel your abs control the movement of your knees and only go as far as your abs can 100%control the motion. This is not a stretch! Your knees might be able to touch the floor but that is not the intention. Feel the twist through your shoulder girdle and throughout your entire spine from top to bottom. Then, slowly and gently roll everything back to center. Then do the movement to the other side. Move slowly and lazily.

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"Wring Out Your Tension" Application

This exercise simulates what your body does when you walk. Humans locomote like a pepper grinder. For about a millisecond your upper body faces L while lower body faces R and vice versa. We go through 4 stages of walking: breastbone and pelvis both facing R then arm swing rotates the ribs L then the breastbone and pelvis both faces L then arm swing rotates the ribs R.    Being able to rotate your body correctly is key to being painfree. Efficient and integrated walking is a culmination of all the exercises in level one. Try this before going out for a walk:

Inhale into your pelvic bowl (low back and glutes relax) then exhale to connect your 4 points (feel  sitting directly on top of your pelvis) . Step forward with L foot and R arm, raise your R heel off the floor and have your R toes on the ground. Exhale and sense your Abs at the bottom of your front ribcage pulling your trampoline frame together. Place 75% of your weight on your L foot. Do a very small posterior pelvic tilt on your L to engage your L hamstrings. Reach back with your L arm, reach forward with your R arm (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction: R arm goes forward and L ribs go back). Have your pelvis turned L.  Feel your L hamstrings and L abs work together. Feel your weight balanced over your L foot, supported by your L glute. Keeping your 4 points in relationship to each other, feel a light contraction of your R glute as it helps maintain your balance. The roof of your mouth is parallel to the ground and the tops of your shoulders are relaxed. Your R thumb is oriented upwards. Your breastbone is facing the L and your L hip is slightly behind your R. In slow motion release this position and return to equal weight between your 2 feet and step back to neutral with your L. Rest and repeat this sequence on the other side.

Imagine the shape of a thermometer and breath into your pelvic bowl then connect your 4 points by exhaling. Step forward with R foot and L arm, raise your L heel off the floor , keep your L toes on the ground. Exhale and feel Abs at the bottom of your front ribcage. Place 75% of your weight on your R foot and feel the support of your R glute. Reach your R sitting bone downwards towards your R heel to engage your R hamstrings. Reach forward with your L arm (this helps engage your R abs) and back with your R arm, Turn your pelvis slightly to the R.  Feel your R hamstrings and R abs work together. Feel your weight balanced over your R foot and your 4 points still in relationship to each other. Sense a light contraction of your L  it helps balance you. The roof of your mouth is parallel to the ground and your neck relaxed. Your L thumb is oriented upwards. Your breastbone is facing the R and your R hip is slightly behind your L. In slow motion, release these contractions and return your weight to the middle with your feet side by side.


You can repeat this as many times as you’d like with the goal being engaged effortlessness.

This represents half of what it takes to walk or run. That’s a powerfully good start!

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