1. Rest completely before you start a movement and then in between repetitions.
  2. Keep your eyes closed.
  3. Keep breathing normally the whole time.
  4. When you are working a muscle on the one side of your body, keep the other side of your body relaxed.
  5. Keep your neck supported and relaxed.
  6. When in doubt, GO SLOWER.
  7. You can count the time for your slow, shortening contraction and your super-slow, lengthening contraction at first, but gradually stop the counting and just pay attention.
  8. Try to do the more coordinated side first so that it can “coach” your less coordinated side how to perform the movement slowly and smoothly.
  9. Doing 1-3 reps well is much better than rushing through 5 or more.
  10. Go into an exercise with "Beginner's  Mind" every time. Pretend that you've never done it before so that it doesn't become a routine. If you stop paying attention and go through the motions, you won't get the benefit.

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You can get access to Level 1 separately to start your healing journey, or get the Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle deal.

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6. Hip Flexor Release: Tilt and Slide

Release your Hip Flexors because if they are tight, that tension overflows into your diaphragm and your low back.

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Watch this first then lie down and perform while listening to the audio.

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Tilt and Slide Goal: Release your Hip Flexors

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet/knees hip width distance apart. Place your fingertips on your front pelvic bones.

Breathe into your lower belly then exhale and strongly press your low back into the floor, tipping your pelvic bowl backwards. Keep your neck relaxed and very slowly, very gently slide your right foot away from your bottom.

Go as far as you comfortably can while you keep your back flat, then very slowly relax your abdominals and release your pelvic tilt. If your leg didn’t fully straight, then gently let your leg down to the floor. Rest and repeat. Do 2 repetitions on your left side.

If one side was more challenging, you can do a 3rd rep on that side.


Keep your upper body relaxed.

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Hip Flexor Release: Application

Apply the information and benefit from this exercise to improving your Standing Posture. Pain-free and efficient standing involves a balance between many different muscles that are involved in a "Tug of War". Think about your pelvis being a bowl and place your hands at the front in the back of your body. If your pieces of bread (your hands) are vertical then your soup bowl is balanced in an upright position. Practice the “Soup and Sandwich”  to cultivate muscles that have a healthy tone: not asleep or flaccid and not tense and tight. They are neurologically connected, strong and ready to serve you but not held in a contracted state.

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