1. Rest completely before you start a movement and then in between repetitions.
  2. Keep your eyes closed.
  3. Keep breathing normally the whole time.
  4. When you are working a muscle on the one side of your body, keep the other side of your body relaxed.
  5. Keep your neck supported and relaxed.
  6. When in doubt, GO SLOWER.
  7. You can count the time for your slow, shortening contraction and your super-slow, lengthening contraction at first, but gradually stop the counting and just pay attention.
  8. Try to do the more coordinated side first so that it can “coach” your less coordinated side how to perform the movement slowly and smoothly.
  9. Doing 1-3 reps well is much better than rushing through 5 or more.
  10. Go into an exercise with "Beginner's  Mind" every time. Pretend that you've never done it before so that it doesn't become a routine. If you stop paying attention and go through the motions, you won't get the benefit.

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To get access to the advanced Level 2 courses, you'll need to work through Level 1 first.

You can get access to Level 1 separately to start your healing journey, or take advantage of our limited time offer and get the Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle deal.

Purchase Level 1 Access Alone - $119Purchase Level 1 + Level 2 Bundle - $199

23. This is NOT a Superman


Lie on your stomach with your R arm down at your side and your L arm up and out

to the side so your L elbow is in line with your shoulder. Place your R hand under

your R pelvic bone. Your head is turned to the L and your L hand is under your R face,

palm down so that your R cheek or temple is resting on the back of your R hand.


Inhale down into your belly feeling the floor, then lift your R leg, your head, your L

hand and L arm, as if looking over your L shoulder. Exhale and release everything as

carefully as you can back down to the floor. Relax completely between the reps.

Repeat 2-3x each side.

Optional: You can practice the individual parts

A. Lift your head, attempting to look over your shoulder

B. Lift your elbow with palm remaining flat on the floor

C. Lift your head-hand-elbow as a unit, as if looking over your shoulder

D. Lift your opposite leg

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Getting up off the floor.

Your back should not be attempting to lift you…it’s your glutes! Have something soft to kneel on. The taller the object, the easier this exercise will be. Make sure it is a stable item. Hold on to something lightly so you don’t need to think about balance. Place your one knee on the item with your other foot in front of the prop. Your front knee should be approximately 90 degrees bent with your foot slightly in front of your knee. Your back leg acts as kickstand and you use it mostly for balance. The muscle that lifts you up is your front glute. Exhale and tuck your tail enough that you can feel your Abs wake up. Now move your body weight forward with the intention of shifting your awareness and your center of gravity into the front leg, especially the sitting bone region. Press your heel down into the floor and use your front leg glute to lift you up. You can perform small repeats, going up and down a few inches then return to your starting position and rest.

Try this on both sides and note if one side is more challenging. The glute, IT Band and quad releases will all contribute to making this powerful and painfree.

Your back leg is doing a max of 15% of the work.

If this exercise is hard, that’s fine. But there should not be any pain. Practice this concept when you are gardening (it’s okay to use a 5-gallon bucket for support!) or when get up from the floor after doing your exercises.

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